Placemakers Annual Meeting | January 8, 2020 | Lemmon Legion
Placemakers Co-op
Annual Meeting and Core Board Meeting
January 10, 2020 ~ 7:00pm
Lemmon Legion, Lemmon, SD
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm by Judy Larson, President with 21 people attending.
Secretary Report
Minutes from the December 5, 2019 meeting were read by Kristina Akers, Secretary. Motion was made by Hawkeye Anderson, and seconded by Kelly Fike to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The current balance is $2,672.33 with no outstanding bills.
1. Branding Committee
Discussion regarding were the Bio template was located on Trello. The document is under the Branding Committee Website card. Please talk to Dantae Anderson if you wish to be part of the Placemaker Trello Board.
Old Business
1. Year in Review / Tada List
There was a review of the income and expenses from the 2019 events. Overall, we had a net loss for the year.
Additional discussion included what individuals liked from 2019 and would like to see in 2020. See attached.
2. Jingle Mingle & Concert
The Jingle Mingle went well but the numbers were down. The Kokomo had a nice ambiance and the size is welcoming and allows for more mingling. It was very easy to decorate. The food and photo booth were great.
The concert was good, but there were a low number in attendance. Chuck Suchy was more of a draw whereas The Lark & The Loon has no local fan base. We could put an audio clip on Facebook to help with attendance, if available. There was also a luminary display going on that could be seen when walking to the Kokomo.
New Business
1. Restructuring ~ Structuring for Sustainability
Now that we are past the start-up and hustle part of starting Placemakers we move to be being a sustainable group so the members do not burn out and we can continue to share our talents. We have evolved as we have gone along and become a community of people. In the past Judy has done a lot of the calling and backgrounding for an event during the day due to her flexible schedule. There will need to share some of that responsibility in the future. Discussion included the following:
- Having a set meeting date each month
- Job descriptions
- Having small events which help to create excitement and a supply and demand by limiting attendees
- We are obligated to no one but ourselves
- Co-oping with other groups
- Remembering to ask other groups because other groups are willing to help
- Money available from Presbyterian Church for in relation to ecumenical events
2. Election of Officers for the 2020 are as follows:
President – Dantae Anderson
Vice-President – Shasta Alexander
Secretary – Kristina Akers
Treasurer – Andrea Kendell
3. Smoke & Ice Festival
The Smoke & Ice Festival is scheduled for February 29th, 2020. Spencer Prestbyterian Church has volunteered their space to hold the hot cocoa contest and the use of their bathrooms due them being close to the ice rink. It will be a nice place for people to warm up. Andrea Kendall will be in charge of the hot cocoa contest.
Since the Lemmon Chamber is willing to help out, we will see if they would be willing to be in charge of the games. Also, we might be able to have Bill Penfield do hay rides from the ice rink to the church if the Chamber is willing to cover it under their insurance.
Todd Larson and Brent Dirk, Fire Chief will make sure the ice is ready. Hawkeye Anderson and Hayden Evans will be in charge of the fire & rings/grills.
We would like to try to keep the food simpler so everyone will have a change to enjoy the festivities along will having the meal at the ice rink rather than move it to the Kokomo. An option would be to work with LemmonMade for meat and buns.
An option for wind breaks could be to ask Gregorian Ag if they would be willing use some of their windbreaks they have on display.
4. Committee Roundup
Advertising for our events can be more streamlined with an email list for where we can send advertising and press releases. As a reminder we need to request to be on the events/daily happenings and to be on the access channel. Julie Peterson said they could share on the LIVE, Inc. Facebook page.
1. Tunes Together:
- Eclectic Wreck playing for the LIVE Center Banquet on January 16, 2020. There will be a dessert bar and we can assist with serving the meal at 5:30 pm.
- There will be a Jam Session after the Legion banquest on January 18th, 2020.
- A jazz concert on January 31, 2020 at The Palace Theatre. Jamie Lynn and Andrew Reinert will be playing. They will be going into the Live Center homes to prep the clients to go to the concert. It will be a 20s theme, so people can dress up if they want. There will also be some decorating and any assistant is appreciated.
- A Sound of Music sing-a-long to at the end of Feburary/early March at The Palace Theatre. The movie will be watched in the Live Center homes, and then they would bring the clients to the sing-a-long.
- An old fashioned dance at the nursing home at the end of March/early April where they can take clients from the Live Center to the nursing home. There will be a midnight meal served by the 4-H club.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Liked from 2019
· A place to meet new people!
· Loved having family events: Smoke & Ice, Bike Tune Up, Artist in Residence, Jingle Mingle
· Live at the Lake was great!
· Cook out for Smoke and Ice suffered from NW wind into sculpture garden. Tada moment – wall that John Lopez put up this summer.
· Placemakers gave me a place to meet new people, network, and build lasting relationships
· Music everywhere
· Placemakers made me leave my house.
· 2019 likes: Live at the Lake, Bike Tune Up
· Lots of new people and different ages involved at the events
· Live at the Lake!!
· Cornhole, Smoke & Ice, Live at the Lake, Jingle Mingle => Premier Events!
· I loved to be involved with the SDSU extension & the make & take
· Growing sense of community
· Live at the Lake was so fun! Family friendly is good!
· Learned/enjoyed – leather tooling
Like to see in 2020
· More mini classes. Live at the Lake
· Events for kids. More small classes. Man events
· Continue becoming part of & making a difference in the community
· Co-oping with more organications
· Food events – Mexican food? Chinese food?
· I want to lead a class this year – astro photography
· Cornhole – could expand it to make it more $ (should not be $ neutral)
· More people sharing their talents
· More kids classes
· Set up scholarship accounts
· Next year - Pine box derby. More fire.
· Another awesome roaring 20s party!
· More mini classes. Live at the Lake
· Would love to see more food events
· Classes aimed specifically for youth – baking, sewing, canning
· I want to see more folks at Live at the Lake – it was so much fun!
* Discussion note: Live Inc has a bus that could possibly be used for transportation to events such as Live at the Lake. Must be 21 yrs old to drive.